Huntsville is home to numerous historic homes and districts. Each one is unique with its own historic style and set of regulations. Butler Builders has experience in historic home renovations in a diverse range of styles and neighborhoods. Just as each historic district and house is different so are the requirements when it comes to remodeling.
Remodeling a historic home not only demands awareness of the design and the history that came before, but also a knowledge of the process involved with obtaining approvals from historic committees. Over the years, Butler Builders has gained invaluable knowledge of the zoning, variances and historic materials needed to ensure that your historic renovation moves along smoothly and with an impeccable final result.
Beyond the beauty of their timeless impressions, historic homes and their owners have stories to share. These stories must be preserved, honored, and understood before any contracts are signed and walls torn down. With Butler Builders, we are committed to honoring these stories and building them into the future of your home for the generations that follow.